CIJ Clarity Catalyst

For people who are ready to

get clear, unstuck, and find freedom

The Clarity Catalyst: A Transformational Course for Self-Discovery Based on a Stanford University Master's Degree Course

Are you a person who wakes up with the burning question... is this as good as it gets?

Are you a person who feels as if you are on the edge of your greatness, but you are not quite clear on what your exact contribution could be?

Are you a person who longs to share your innate gifts and talents with the world and live a life full of meaning, purpose, and contribution, but feels lost as to how to do that?

You have written down resolutions, you have TRIED so hard to make the changes in your life that you want to see, but nothing sticks.

You can't seem to bring those dreams to reality.

If you answered YES to two or more of these questions…you are not alone!

There are many people who feel the same. They have reached a level of contentment with their lives but still have not broken through their glass ceiling of living their fully expressed potential.

They have good enough lives, some have raised children, some have traveled, some have done work that is generally satisfying…but they know there is something much bigger for them out there….

If YOU are that person, my guess is that you can see ahead that something exciting and delicious is in the air, but you are not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be!

Watch This Video

With the tools you learn in The Clarity Catalyst, you will walk through life with a new confidence and knowing, you will awaken to your true self.

How did we get here?

When we are younger we have big, bold dreams. What happens in life is we fall into the hamster wheel of raising kids, paying bills, and simply surviving. Life moves fast and we wake up one day and finally say, NO! This is not what I signed up for. This is not what I had imagined for myself. I refuse to accept that this is as good as it gets.

You hear that inner voice, but you don't know how to appease it.

The wild, wondrous, seeking soul inside you begins to wake up and demand more. The calling starts out as a whisper…I am not living my purpose…it gets louder…I am not making a difference….and louder…I am not living my full potential!

You know you aren't living in alignment, but you can't see how that's possible. I know, I've been there.

Now you can no longer be silenced; this wild, wondrous, seeking soul has woken up. This seeking soul knows they have something to offer that is big and bold, they know that they are ready for passionate exciting relationships, certain that there is a bigger game for them to play.

You can hear them clamoring about early in the morning and restlessly stirring when you lie down at night. The soul seeker is relentless, they are powerful, they are ready to be unleashed.

It may be confusing if you have done tons of personal development; meditated, journaled, worked on your self-limiting beliefs, and tried to cultivate self-love…and still you are not where you want to be.

To have what you want...

you need to know what you want and why you are consciously or unconsciously blocked.

Our self-saboteur often blames time, money, or lack of support for our unfulfilled potential.

These are mere beliefs holding us back from unlocking the profound clarity, creativity, and confidence within, regardless of circumstances.

We construct limiting boxes fueled by fear

—fear of failure, success, change, and our own power. This fear keeps us small, complacent, and settling for mediocrity, fearing disruption.

But what if none of that were true?

What if you getting clear on your vision and mission actually brought you unimaginable success?

I am a person who was just like you- standing on the edge of my greatness, afraid to take the leap. Then one day I did.

I let the seeking soul inside me win. I looked outside myself to see what worked for other people and tried that.

I didn't understand why what worked for others didn't work for me.

But I realized something very important- I am not other people! What works for others may not be the path for me.

I looked to the tools in Clarity Catalyst and they returned me to myself. I no longer look outside for what others are doing. I look within- the Clarity Catalyst taught me how to do that and

trust that voice.

Knowing that I wasn't alone, that I had a tribe right by my side learning and seeking inside themselves was the best part.

Then… when I got to the other side…I built a bridge for other people to walk over

to take that same path to freedom.

Over the last decade, tens of thousands of students have

gone through the same transformational journey I took.

They have since found their soulmates, built entrepreneurial businesses, written books, started blogs, traveled the world, started non-profits, created movements, and broken out of the box they had unknowingly built around themselves.

Here is what they have to say about it

"I got crystal clear by taking the CIJ Clarity Catalyst on my life’s true purpose, my confidence increased, and I am now launching my own coaching business and creating the pilot for my new TV show!”


Catalyst Graduate

“Taking The CIJ Clarity Course was like treating myself to a First-Class seat on my inner journey. Fueled by the proven methods for developing self-awareness accelerated the progress for everyone in our diverse group. ”


Catalyst Graduate

"Life-changing- I feel like it came into my life right when I needed it."


Catalyst Graduate

If you are a seeking soul who is ready to..

Get into your “flow” by doing what you love and getting paid to do it so that you can leave your unfulfilling job

Get crystal clear on your vision and mission so that you can help others and leave an impactful footprint on this earth

Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can create that 10 relationship

Belong to a group of like-minded people who also want to take their lives to the next level and be a part of a tribe and community

THen... The clarity catalyst is for you!

In this 8 week Online and Live (Yes, this is NOT recorded do-it-yourself) program you will unleash your seeking soul and feed wisdom to it by:

Awakening to your true calling by getting clear on who you are and want you really want

Discover the vast well

of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world

Rewrite and reprogram your present mindset with new beliefs that will set you free

Connect with a tribe that has been attracted by YOUR vibe…a group of people who will hold you high and support you

Work through the fear

that has been paralyzing you so that you can finally go for it and live out the life that is waiting for you

Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution with the world

Get a crystal-clear map and path that will take you there so that you can tap into your FLOW and be effortlessly guided by your own intuition to achieve greatness.



You will receive weekly 90-minute classes via Zoom, curated resources, weekly peer calls, exercises

to keep you on track and held accountable outside of sessions, and email support between classes.

The Clarity Catalyst is an intimate online live group process for the person who is ready to go deep and get clear by diving inward to discover their vast well of wisdom, creativity, and insight. They know that having it all (freedom, love, purposeful work, abundance, peace) takes cultivation, deep inquiry, and practice.

AND They are ready to do it.

You will be given the structure to get to the core of who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self- confidence, sense of direction, and purpose will increase exponentially.

During this 8-week journey into self, you will be provided with the map, the tools, the tribe and the guide to get you unstuck, empowered, and poised to be living your most lit up authentic life.

Whether the program catapults you to write that book that has been swirling around in your mind for years, leave that job that you loathe and step into your new vision and mission with financial stability, or cultivate the confidence and self-love to attract in your soul partner….you will be clear and ready to step into it all.

The process is a delicious blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly calls to action to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to land the learning and solidify the group.

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed in 1979 to cultivate creativity and self-expression. It was touted the most life-transforming course ever to be taught at Stanford.

This program is also ideal for individuals navigating life transitions such as children leaving for school, empty nesters, or those who have been caretakers for their parents, the Clarity Catalyst Program provides a nurturing space for exploration and transformation during times of change.


Week 1: Unleashing your creativity

We are all creative, even if you do not identify with being "creative", you are!

In this module you will….

- Unearth what fields of fascination and creative passions get you into the FLOW so you can start getting clear about your calling

- Implement The Clarity Catalyst Daily Practice Routine so that you can start receiving “daily downloads of intuitive wisdom” to help get clear about what your next best steps are

- Experience how to move though life like an objective observer who does not take anything personally so you are freed up to be more creative

Week 2: Reprogramming your self-limiting beliefs

We were all born knowing that we are perfect, whole, and complete. Then something happened…something called life.

In this module you will….

- Do a deep dive into your subconscious mind to see what limiting beliefs still lurk there so that you can rewire and reprogram them to get unstuck.

- Meet your suffering mind persona so that you can slay it once and for all.

- Learn how to stop judging yourself and beating yourself up so that you can thrive and soar.

Week 3: The power of being present

Most of us spend our time worrying about the future and regretting the past instead of being in the present moment where peace lives.

In this module you will….

- Discover ways to add mindfulness activities to your everyday living so that you are more connected to yourself and your life.

- Learn tools to create deeper relationships and less conflict by learning how to communicate consciously.

- Master your mind to stay in the present moment so that you can manage fear and anxiety and stop obsessive thinking, which will clear the way to think more creatively.

Week 4: Activating intuition

YOU. ALWAYS. KNOW. Science has shown that our intuition is mistake free.

In this module you will….

- Discover practical tools to help you at any crossroad to make the right choice, shunning self-doubt or fear, so you can feel confident about your life direction.

- Learn The Clarity Catalyst Question Inquiry which will unlock the answers you already have within as to what the best next steps are for you on your journey to greatness.

- Unearth the well of wisdom that lies within by using the Yes or No method, which will help you make hard decisions in a flip of a coin.

Week 5: Discovering your life's purpose

Every single one of us has been put on this great earth for a reason.

We all have gifts to share.

In this module you will….

- Take different personality assessments to get clear on your life purpose.

- Create your life purpose mission statement so you can begin to take action on it.

- Learn what your most valued qualities are so they can be used as a compass to guide you to purposeful work that will have meaning and fulfillment.

Week 6: Mastering time and stress

This is not your typical time/stress management approach!

In this module you will….

-Learn a quantum time management system to effortlessly get the things that are stressing you out off your plate of life so you have more room for creativity and joy.

-Discover how to overcome procrastination so that you can launch your dreams and visions without self-sabotaging them time and again.

-Get a HUGE task you have been procrastinating about resolved so you will feel a big wave of relief.

Week 7: Mastering self-love and your relationships with others

Relationships cause us the greatest joys and the biggest challenges.

In this module you will….

-Discover the Art of Self Love and how to cultivate a juicy relationship with YOU which will help you thrive in relationships with others.

-Awaken to the gifts and life lessons the challenging people in your life have brought you in order to grow.

-Learn how to let go of past hurts in relationships so you can move on and soar.

Week 8: Mastering your money mindset

Money is only energy.

In this module you will….

-Get clear on your money personality and understand your relationship to money so you can effortlessly shift it.

-Develop an abundance mindset that magnetically attracts wealth to you.

-Discover the hidden subconscious beliefs you hold about money and reprogram them.

Act now and you'll also receive:

If you sign up before September 10th, you will receive these additional bonuses!

Bonus #1

“Money and Miracles”

4-week course with Hay House Author Jennifer Grace

(Value $297)

Bonus #2

"Fast Action Only Bonus"

A VIP Laser Coaching Session

with Coach Marie

(Value $100)  


Join The Clarity Catalyst Today

Starting October 22nd - December 10th, 2024

When you enroll during this special limited launch period, you’ll get:

  • The Clarity Catalyst 8-week Course based on the Stanford University Master’s Degree Class ($1197 Value)

  • Bonus 1: Money and Miracles Course ($297 Value)

  • Bonus 2: VIP Laser Coaching Session with Coach Marie ($100 Value)

There are two payment options

Payment Plan



2 monthly payments

8 week Clarity Catalyst Program

Bonus 1- Money and Mindset Course

Fast Action ONLY Bonus:

Laser 1:1 Coaching Session

with Coach Marie

Pay In Full

Best Savings!



1 payment now

8 week Clarity Catalyst Program

Bonus 1- Money and Mindset Course

Fast Action ONLY Bonus:

Laser 1:1 Coaching Session

with Coach Marie




How many weeks is the course and how long are the classes?

8 weeks of class; each class is 90 minutes

What is the investment and when

does it start?

8 weeks of class; each class is 90 minutes

Is there any homework?

Yes! You will have a few commitments:

- 5 minutes of journaling and 10 minutes of meditation each day during the 8 week journey.

- Each week you will be matched with a different person from the group to have a 20 minute peer call (instructions will be provided)

- All other "Soulwork" will be mainly to do during your regular day to help you see the world in a whole new way.

Will it be recorded if I miss a class?

Yes... and we ask you to only register if you can make 6 out of the 8 classes. So please only say yes if you can be committed to the entire journey.

Meet Marie Smith

Marie Smith is a Certified Health Coach, Life Coach, Personal Trainer & Motivational Speaker who helps clients achieve better health through habit change. With twelve years in the industry and a focus on providing the right tools and knowledge, Marie has helped dozens of people lead healthy lifestyles. She encourages clients to claim their "golden hour" and offers guidance on making wellness a natural part of daily life.

Marie has always been one for movement. As a child, she participated in ballet, tap, jazz, acrobatics, and modern dance. She spent her summers at an overnight camp, swimming, and roaming the neighborhood with friends. In high school, Marie enjoyed dancing in musicals and acting in plays. College was her first introduction to formal fitness center type exercise.

After teaching school for three years and having her first two children, Marie received her Masters of Education in Special Education from Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. After her fourth child was born, Marie decided it was time to become a group fitness instructor. Little did she know that this first step in 2010 was the start of a journey that would change her life for the better. Marie gained her personal training certification in 2012 and began working with clients one-on-one.

She is a life long learner and has added specialty certifications to her toolbox including JrFit, Biomechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, USA Weightlifting, Cancer Exercise Specialist, and most recently, Health and Wellness Coaching and Life Coaching from the Health Coach Institute. Most recently, Marie completed the process to be a certified CIJ Clarity Catalyst trainer. With a husband and five children, Marie understands the importance of living a balanced healthy life. When left to her own devices, you will find Marie on a trail in the park with her dog or riding her bike through the hills of middle TN.

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